All electrical disconnect, liquid removal, rigging, loading, broom cleaning, trash & debris removal, floor stud removal and transportation are the sole and absolute responsibility of the Undersigned. The undersigned agrees to remove its purchases in full, with no abandonment privileges from the premises on or before the date on the Buyers invoice.
No item(s), no matter how small, may be removed while the auction is in progress. Representatives of the Auctioneer at the Auctioneer's sole discretion may stay one hour after the auction is completed for the removal of small items. All small subject to disappear items must be removed by 4:00 PM on the day following the auction.
The Undersigned must present the Auctioneers personnel with proof of valid workers compensation insurance and a commercial general liability insurance certificate in a minimum amount of $2,000,000.00 combined single limit per occurrence coverage naming the Auctioneer, the Seller and the Landlord as additional insured.
If available at Auctioneers sole and absolute discretion, bridge cranes and hoist may be used by the Undersigned if crane insurance is included on the above certificate and only with the written permission of the crane owner.
Should any pits, floor bolts or hazards of any type exist after removal of equipment, it is the responsibility of the Undersigned, at its cost, to reasonably safe guard these areas using generally accepted safety practices, such as safety tapes, pipes or bars welded in place or suitable safety barriers acceptable to the Auctioneer. All floor bolts and/or anchoring fasteners are to be cut flush to the floor and the area left broom clean and all debris removed. It is the responsibility of the Undersigned to be sure that the power to the item(s) is off and then to safely disconnect all electrical wiring and utility piping from the item(s) and to cap at the first electrical or air junction of the item(s).
Item(s) are to be staged for loading in the area assigned by the Auctioneer's personnel.
It is the Undersigned's responsibility to secure all safety equipment to meet all applicable government safety standards in using or removing any items purchased. Certain items may contain residual chemicals and/or hazardous materials. The Undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Auctioneer from any and all damages, claims or liabilities from any injuries to persons or property of any type whatsoever caused by the Undersigned, its agents, employees or contractors during the sale or during the removal, use or operation of the purchased item(s). Any hydraulic fluid removal and/or oil leaks are the Undersigned's responsibility to remove and clean up. The Undersigned must take full responsibility for compliance with applicable environmental laws and exercise all reasonable care to ensure that there is no release to the environment of any hazardous wastes or substances as defined in applicable Federal, State and Local Statues, Regulations, Rules or Ordinances.
No trucks are to be left running in an enclosed building.
The Auctioneer is not liable for personal belongings left on premises.
Any surface or structural damage to the premises including but not limited to the walls, ceilings, floors, overhead doors, gates and/or any other item(s), etc. will be the Undersigned's sole responsibility. The Undersigned will not be permitted to leave with its purchases until repairs are made.
Theft will not be tolerated and Auctioneer reserves the right to inspect all trucks, toolboxes and rigger cases, etc. Instances of theft will result in immediate termination of removal privileges and full prosecution by law. All quantities must be checked prior to removal, as adjustments will not be made thereafter.
These terms and conditions together with any amendments or modifications, expressly made by the Auctioneer at the time of the auction constitute all the terms and conditions with respect to the sale of items at this auction. There are no representations, warranties, terms, conditions, undertakings or collateral agreements except as hereinabove provided
I acknowledge that I have provided BidItUp Auctions Worldwide, Inc. a signed check for which I am the authorized signatory for all purposes, without restriction, sufficient to pay this negotiable instrument upon demand. I authorized BidItUp to obtain my financial information from any source and complete the check as necessary for the amount of my invoice at the auction to be presented for payment. I agree to pay all cost of collections including attorney's fees, to pay interest at the rate of 18%, unless prohibited by law, and in such case at the highest amount permitted by law from the date of issuance of this check if dishonored by a financial institution, to waive any requirement of presentment, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the executed Auction Bidders Agreement for any dispute relating to this instrument. A credit instrument is identical to a personal check. Willfully drawing or passing a credit instrument knowing there are insufficient funds in an account upon which may be drawn, or with the intent to defraud, is a crime which may result in criminal prosecution.